• Question: Have you ever come really close to quitting? If so, Why did you?

    Asked by anon-237450 to Peter, Mhairi, Madeleine, Catherine, Andrew on 18 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Mhairi Bowe

      Mhairi Bowe answered on 18 Mar 2020:

      Not my job, but my PhD felt overwhelming at times; mostly during the write up period which can be quite lonely. I found the support of other PhD students who were also going through it really helped. Chatting things over and sharing stress really helps in most situations!

    • Photo: Catherine Talbot

      Catherine Talbot answered on 19 Mar 2020:

      I love my job, but doing my doctorate was very difficult at time! It definitely tested me. To overcome this issue, I tried to remember why i was doing it in the first place – my love of the subject. I also spoke to good friends and people who have been through similar situations. Support is really helpful during difficult times.With a bit of self-reassurance, and a little help from my friends, I was able to overcome any problems 🙂

    • Photo: Madeleine Pownall

      Madeleine Pownall answered on 19 Mar 2020:

      I’m pretty early on in my PhD, so I’m still bubbling with excitement and energy! There were times that I found my degree really difficult, mainly due to homesickness. I’m glad I stuck it out – my job now is the dream
